The Trail Fund has now morphed into two programs. The Trails Capacity Program fills the role of what the "Trail Fund" was in 2021, and the Legacy Trails Program now offers Legacy Roads and Trails funding to projects on U.S. Forest Service lands.



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photo credit: USFS

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which program should I apply for?

The Trails Capacity Program funds trails research, stewardship training, and trail maintenance on private or public land, whereas the Legacy Trails Program is only for projects on national forests and grasslands managed by the USDA Forest Service. Please get in touch if you need help figuring out which funding program might be right for your project.

Are these funds for all trails types?

Yes! We fund projects for all trails users, and for motorized and nonmotorized trails.

What do I need to do before applying?

It’s a good idea to have a clearly defined project and strong community support for your project well ahead of the application deadline. You will need letters of support, a detailed project budget, and a project timeline. If you are thinking of applying to the Legacy Trails Program, get in touch with your local Forest Service District Ranger well in advance. You will need to get a letter of support and/or formal written agreement with them before applying for funds.

If we are awarded a grant, what will be expected of us?

Awardees become partners in helping promote American Trails and The Trail Fund. You will be asked to send out a press release and other publicity around your project to local and social media and to share images with American Trails of your project before, during, and after completion. We also ask for a final project report.

For Legacy Trails Program awardees, you will be asked to work with your local Forest Service District Ranger for any publicity and send American Trails a final project report.

How do I find out more information?

For more information, please visit the Trails Capacity Program Overview Page and the Legacy Trails Program Overview Page.

Other questions? Send an email to [email protected].

10,890 views • posted 09/13/2023